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- Source: Wallasey News, 17 January 1996. p.5
- UFO experts called to Wirral 'mystery'
- Special investigation by Cheryl Wright
- UFO experts have just carried out an invetigation into strange lights above the
- sky at Clatterbridge. The investigation - carried out by the British UFO
- Research Association - was set up after three people in the same car all
- reported a "close encounter" with an unidentified flying object in the skies
- above Wirral. Since time began there have been documented cases of strange
- objects in the sky. Even in the Bible ufologists claim that there is a
- reference to a UFO. For many, the existence of UFOs is confined to the realms
- of science fiction. But for researchers and enthusiasts - UFOs are very real.
- These people make up the 1,000 members of Britain's largest UFO organisation,
- BUFORA. The British UFO Research Association thoroughly investigates every
- reported sighting in the country. BUFORA's local representative Tony Eccles,
- investigates sightings in the North West, the most recent being the one at
- Clatterbridge. The sighting was reported by three people travelling in the same
- car along the M53 in early October. They reported two bright lights in the sky
- as they approached Clatterbridge roundabout, which appeared to hovver and
- dance. As the car neared Bromborough, the lights swooped down over it, allowing
- a closer look. The occupants reported larger lights surrounded by smaller blue
- lights. But this may be a case that demonstrates the need to keep an open mind
- about such unexplained phenomena. For after investigation, Tony found that
- humid air conditions at the time may be to blame. A possible explanation, he
- says, is that the lights could have been refracted from a different source,
- possibly a police helicopter.
- The article is accompanied by two pictures with the caption: "Somewhere out
- there? Reporter Cheryl Wright looks to the skies and, inset, an impression of
- what a UFO might look like". The inset picture is actually of a classic "grey"
- alien, not a UFO, and looks like it was taken from the cover of Fortean Times
- #83.
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